Our History
Empowered by Providence, Forged by Conviction, Proclaiming His Glory
Throughout the biblical storyline, God uniquely uses His people—image bearers of God—to bring forth His glory to the ends of the earth (cf. Gen. 1:26-28); this theme continues from the election of Abraham (cf. Gen. 12:1-3) to the establishment of Israel (cf. Ex. 19-20) to the installment of the church (cf. Acts 2:1-13). The covenantal Lord uses His people as a means to push His Gospel forward to every tongue, tribe, and nation (cf. Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 1:8). The local body of Christ, then, is the primary vehicle in the hands of God to fulfill His redemptive aim in restoring a broken and depraved world.
In the fall of 2018 by God’s providential hand, five men met in the living room of an Atlanta, Georgia home to discuss the possibilities of planting a church in St. Paul, MN. These men, along with their wives, consisted of Jacob Yang, Samuel Heu, Tswj Sing Ly, Tswv David Yang, and McYoung Y. Yang. Approximately a year later, Joshua Vang joined the team to formulate six church planting elders. Amid their leadership, 7 launch team families accompanied them from Indianapolis, IN and across the Twin Cities area of Minnesota. The year 2020, then, was dedicated to build, train, and disciple the launch team members toward walking in God’s Word and ministering as a local church.
Prior to assembling the launch team of Covenant City Church (C3), the pastoral staff had served alongside one another for over a decade in national ministries. Through these endeavors, they collectively developed strong theological, pastoral, and ministerial conviction about church and life. Amid a myriad of providential circumstances, the Lord placed them in transitional seasons. It was during this time where they prayerfully sought the will and heart of God. Though they were scattered across the Midwest and into the East coast of America, they mobilized their families in St. Paul, MN and planted Covenant City Church in February of 2021.
Covenant City Church looks forward to seeing how the Lord will use them to minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Twin Cities and beyond. Soli Deo Gloria!